Poe-ma Insurances ensures its compliance with the regulations in force in each country. If you are in disagreement with one of our terms, or wish to express your dissatisfaction in relation to the handling of your claim, you may contact us via the web, by e-mail or by phone.
1) As a first step, we recommend that you get in touch with your local contact person (agent, adviser, etc.) preferably in writing, by e-mail or post. S/he is there to listen to you and answer your queries, with the assistance of the departments concerned, where required. We promise to acknowledge receipt within a maximum of 10 working days. You will then be kept informed regarding the status of your situation review and will receive an answer, subject to exceptions, within two months at the latest after the receipt of your complaint.
2) If you are still dissatisfied, or if you feel that this first answer is not satisfactory, you may turn directly to the Client Complaint Department by:
Ordinary letter:
Your request will be fully reviewed again and the Department will inform you of the outcome within a maximum of two months.
3) Should you disagree with the outcome of the review, you may then, if you are a private individual or your insurance policy contains a mediation clause, ask for the opinion of a Mediator. The Client Complaint Department will have already given you the Mediator’s contact details.
You also have access to the insurance company’s Mediation site: If, after this step, no agreement is found, all your rights to take legal action are maintained.